It sounds like you're referring to a discussion or thread about building an aviation-themed scorpion tattoo design. Unfortunately, without more context or specific information, I can't provide details about a particular thread or discussion on this topic. However, I can offer some general advice on creating a unique aviation-themed tattoo design featuring a scorpion:

1. Research: Take some time to research different aviation symbols, such as airplanes, helicopters, propellers, or pilot wings, and scorpion imagery. Look for elements that resonate with you and could be incorporated into your tattoo design.

2. Conceptualization: Think about how you want to combine the aviation and scorpion motifs. Do you envision a scorpion with airplane wings or a scorpion crawling on a vintage aircraft? Sketch out some rough ideas to visualize the concept.

3. Consultation: Schedule a consultation with a skilled tattoo artist who has experience with both aviation and animal-themed designs. Discuss your ideas and collaborate with the artist to refine the concept and create a design that suits your preferences and fits well on the chosen placement area.

4. Customization: Work closely with your tattoo artist to customize the design to your liking. Consider factors such as size, placement, color palette, and any additional elements or details you want to include in the tattoo.

5. Review and Revision: Review the initial sketch or design provided by the tattoo artist and provide feedback for any adjustments or revisions needed. It's essential to communicate openly with your artist to ensure that the final design meets your expectations.

6. Finalization: Once you're satisfied with the design, schedule a tattoo appointment to bring your aviation-themed scorpion tattoo to life. Be sure to follow proper aftercare instructions to promote healing and preserve the integrity of the tattoo.

Remember that a tattoo is a permanent expression of your personality and interests, so take the time to create a design that holds personal significance and reflects your individual style.