Mark the date on your calendar ----- Fri Aug 11 to Sun Aug 13
Orillia Aeromodelers is Hosting this event again!!!
Field Location Location: Google Maps Search: 2734 Cambrian Rd, Severn Bridge, ON
$110 / pilot. Includes...
* Registration
* Friday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
* Saturday Breakfast, Lunch
* Saturday Night Pig Roast
* Free Camping
* Tee Shirt - details coming soon
Huge thanks to Jeff at ThunderboltRc AGAIN - We are now at 13 years that Jeff has sponsored this event and we are truely grateful for how he spoils us year in / year out. Can’t thank ThunderBolt enough!!
A few other notable contributions!!..
* Thanks to B&E Graphics for some gift certificates towards their awesome website!!
* Last year Colin donated lots of Matco goodies to the prize table - he’s confirmed he will do the same this year!! Thanks Colin!
* Many thanks to Roy Adams for taking the reigns of tee-shirt design from Shawn S… big shoes to fill but we appreciate it.
* The night flying under big LED light stands has become an important tradition of the event. Huge thanks to Bob at JetStream Mechanical and Brandon at Elite Millwrighting for their co-sponsorship!
* We eat as often as we fly and each year some amazing contributions from our pilots
a) Post here along with what you'll be flying and I'll add you to the Pilot's list!
b) We'll connect and I'll get T-shirt size from you.
c) Please send EMT to trevorbrum1@gmail.com
John - Junk1007 - 140” MegaBush / EF Slick580
Paul - RPM - Electric 85” Gamebird, Electric 120” Bushmaster, 93” Ravan
Roy - TundraRoy - 120” Bushmaster, 94” Raven, 74” Viperjet
Mark - Marsminder - EF 48” Extra
Mike - Rosta108 - EF 60” Extra / Skywing 60” Lazer
Colin - cgeisel11 - 60" Skywing Yak, 85" EF Slick, Gas Monkey 102" ARS
Brandon - Frontline Tech - a huge fleet
Scott - Carlisler
Trevor - TFrench
Dan - Ddroupo
Dave - NDW - H9 Beast. EF slick 580, Skywing 60” laser
Bob - Flyinhigh
Mike - Flyinchase
Joe P - Extta 330sc 120DLE
Rob R - C109 - Planes : 60” Slick. 60cc Edge, 60cc ARS, 30cc Pilot Extra
Colin W - mscett
Dave F - davf - 70cc Edge 540 + others
Bill - Bill K - too many to count!!
Kevin M - 42% Edge 540, 35% Yak
Bruce W - Keagan - Bruce W- Keagan H9 Beast, 120” Bush, 104 pilot edge ,104 pilot lazer ,40% carden extra 330
Hanny & Cam - lots of goodies
Scott H - of course the Heli show!!
Ulf B - various + F22 3D Foamy
Dave V - jake_027 - 104" Skywing ARS 300, 91" EF Yak 54
Adam A - the best of the best!!
Bryan M - bmailloux - Aj Ars, Pilot extra Ng, Bushmaster
Nelson C - Edge 540
Adam F -
Josh Berry -
Mike Basso -
John M - Techno11 - various