Welcome to the RC Canucks Forum.
Discuss events not related to RC such as current news, politics, jokes and more.
Anything and everything related to the running of RCCanucks.
Discuss all Radios, electronics, batteries, chargers & brands such as: Futaba, JR, Airtronics, Jeti, Thunderpower, Revolectrix, Smartfly, PowerBox Fromeco
Everything Giant Scale from builds and general discussion.
Discuss Engines Used on Giant Scale Aircraft. Gas/Glow, as long as they're big!
Discuss the ins and outs of flying your RC indoors.
Discuss general topics on rotary wing aircraft, including construction, Servo's, Gryo's and Stabilizer discussions.
Offroad RC - Onroad RC discussion for Nitro, Electric and Gas.
Discuss RC Boats, submarines & hovercrafts in electric or nitro.
Buy, trade and sell all your RC gear. From kits, electronics, motors and tools.
FS & WTB for everything non RC related.